Razom Relief: Helping Liberated Ukrainians Regrow Their Lives

Residents in liberated areas of Ukraine once thrived on their farms. Now, they face a fight to rebuild. Their land is damaged, and getting food is a constant worry.

In partnership with Rescue Now, one of our grantees on the ground in Ukraine, we launched the Reroot Project. We’re distributing seeds and potatoes and empowering people to grow their own crops, thereby reducing their dependence on aid. 

This initiative goes beyond a simple handout and aims to make communities more self-sufficient. Raising their own crops helps households save costs for the family, making local supply of food available, even during emergencies or breakdowns in supply, or power outages. This way it contributes to a more stable food supply and minimizes the dependency on outside food support. Thus, private farming is one of the key reasons people stay or return to their homes, as it is one of the main sources for living there. In the rural areas of Ukraine, knowledge about sustainable farming practices is passed down from generation to generation, fostering a viable and self-sufficient culture. This program also promotes teamwork, builds up ties within the community, and fosters communication across households via creating additional group channels of communication; people share their experiences and support each other via these channels.

Meet the People We’re Helping

Natalia, a resident with mobility challenges, faced immense hardship during the occupation. Sheltering from shelling and bombings, access to food became a constant worry. Now, with seeds and potatoes provided by Razom Relief, Natalia can slowly rebuild her vegetable garden.  This not only provides food security but also a sense of purpose and hope for the future.

Nataliya Hryhorivna, a 74-year-old pensioner, recounts the struggle to find planting materials under occupation. Despite the danger, she tended her garden, determined to have a source of food. Now, liberated and with access to seeds, she looks forward to a brighter future for herself and Ukraine.

Bilokudrya Svitlana, a community representative, describes the eight brutal months of occupation. Gardening became not only difficult but dangerous due to shelling. Essential utilities like electricity, water, and gas were also disrupted. Razom Relief’s assistance provides a lifeline, allowing the community to rebuild their gardens and hope for a victorious future.

Razom Relief, alongside our partners, is helping communities harmed by past Russian occupation regrow not just their crops, but their path to renewal. Together, we can help Ukraine blossom again.


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