Razom at the Ukraine Recovery Conference 2024: Building a Stronger Future

The future of Ukraine is bright, and Razom was proud to be a part of the recent Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC2024) held in Berlin on June 11th and 12th, 2024.

This landmark conference, co-hosted by Germany and Ukraine, brought together over 3,000 attendees, including government officials, business leaders, activists, and dedicated Ukraine supporters. The goal was to chart a course for Ukraine’s recovery, reconstruction, and long-term success.

At Razom, we believe in the power of civil society, the “third sector,” to play a vital role in rebuilding Ukraine. Our presence at URC2024 was about amplifying the voices of Ukrainians and advocating for their needs in the reconstruction process.

Seizing Russian Assets: A Major Step for Ukraine at the German Parliament

Razom’s busy week at the Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC2024) wasn’t just about sharing our story. We were involved in a critical parliamentary breakfast on seizing frozen Russian assets.

This historic event, co-hosted by the German Parliament, drew a record crowd and media attention.  It directly influenced a powerful international letter urging the G7 to confiscate these assets. Learn more: HERE

Razom extends thanks to our German partners and applauds Yuliya Ziskina for her role in this success. 

Building Bridges and Sharing Success

The Ukraine Recovery Conference was also about building connections and fostering collaboration. Razom seized the valuable opportunity to network with other civil society leaders from across Europe. This allowed us to share Razom’s story and the work we’re doing to support Ukraine on the ground.

One such connection proved particularly fruitful. We were excited to meet the team behind Himera, a Ukrainian tactical communication systems manufacturer.  Razom actually purchases radios from Himera for our Razom Heroes Program, which equips Ukrainian first responders with vital communication tools! Learn more about Himera: HERE 

Razom’s CEO Dora Chomiak with Himera’s Co-Founder Misha Rudominski

A Look Ahead: Rebuilding Together

URC2024 was a resounding success, demonstrating a strong international commitment to supporting Ukraine. Razom is energized by the collaborative spirit and sense of purpose that emerged from the conference. We are confident that by working together – government, businesses, civil society, and everyday citizens – we can build a brighter future for Ukraine.

We invite you to join Razom in our ongoing efforts to support Ukraine. Visit our Programs page to learn more about our work and see how you can contribute.

Let’s keep the momentum going! Together, we stand with Ukraine.

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