Ukrainians and friends of Ukraine threw themselves into supporting Ukraine any way they could these past few weeks. We’ve heard stories of people emptying the shelves of Costco and bringing their entire supplies closets in boxes to shipping centers all over the world. With the heavy flow of supplies going daily across the ocean to Ukraine, it was only a matter of time until Razom’s partnership with Meest America, Inc. shipping company would require additional support. 


Meest-America,  Razom, the Ukrainian Community Foundation of Philadelphia (UKRCFP) have agreed that donations made to pay the cost of shipping humanitarian supplies donated by members of the Ukrainian communities and friends of Ukraine across the United States will be directed to UKRCFP.  The foundation will manage and transfer these donated funds directly to Meest-America to offset the costs incurred by Meest-America in connection with their work in providing donated crucial humanitarian aid to Ukraine. The donations made to UKRCFP will be used to defray shipping costs incurred by Meest in the transportation of those items.  


This humanitarian aid shipment support is in addition to our work focused on tacmed and emergency medical supplies as part of the Razom Emergency Response project. Both humanitarian aid and tacmed/medical supplies are important parts of the project, but require slightly different logistical approaches.

Donate today to deliver much-needed humanitarian aid.

Note: You will be redirected to Ukrainian Community Foundation of Philadelphia (UKRCFP), a charitable organization under Section 501 (c) (3) organization, for payment.

Learn more about Razom Emergency Response and the latest updates.

Co-presented by Razom for Ukraine and the Ukrainian Institute, Kyiv, this vibrant event runs through October 31st across New York, offering a rich blend of Ukrainian poetry, prose, and contemporary cinema.

Meet acclaimed writers like Halyna Kruk, Marianna Kiyanovska, Ostap Slyvynsky, and many others, and experience award-winning films such as “Porcelain War” and “La Palisiada”.

Check out the full schedule and ticket info below!