Ukraine can win this war and you can help

Our aims are:

▪ A sovereign Ukrainian state with territorial integrity and democratic politics.

▪ An enforceable peace settlement to prevent subsequent invasions of Ukraine.

▪ Minimizing loss of life, particularly of civilians, and providing humanitarian aid to Ukraine and support for refugees.

what we are asking for


The Russian military is bombarding residential areas and targeting civilians and evacuation zones. Incompletely or belatedly meeting Ukraine’s military needs increases the risk of a long and bloody war of attrition with high civilian casualties, war crimes, and genocide.


▪ Ukraine needs both ground and air-based platforms capable of intercepting or destroying Russian missiles, rockets, and artillery rounds, in addition to pledged aid.


▪ The Ukrainian government has also requested the provision of additional weaponry including fighter jets, tanks, and long range weapons systems.


▪ The U.S. must work with allies to supply existing systems and open up procurement channels. Joint US-Ukrainian funding and US backfilling would bolster this effort.


In addition to general yet severe sanctions on the Russian economy, sanctions should be focused on parallel strategies:


Military complex sanctions. Severe sanctions on military technology trade, raw materials, energy, as well as on the financial sector will help incapacitate the Russian war machine. Less than 2% of Russia’s 300+ banks are currently on the U.S. Treasury’s SDN list.


Sanctions segmentation. Pre-announced personal sanctions and asset seizures, when paired with clearly articulated methods to avoid sanctions and pathways to defections, can change the Russian elite’s incentive structure and split Putin’s oligarchs and senior officials. 



The U.S. must articulate specific, proportionate, and severe responses in the event that Russia uses chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons in Ukraine. Additional protective equipment and supplies must be provided.



Bulk orders (>300,000) of basic individual first aid kits (IFAKs) are the most pressing medical need.



The U.S. must designate Russia a State Sponsor of Terrorism.

how you can join us

Contact Politicians

The officials you elected have immense power to help Ukraine win this war and you have the power to ask them for assistance.


If you are in the US, you can contact your representatives and senators, as well as the White House.  We have some guides on how to do this, including a sample letter here: US Advocacy Guide


If you are outside of the US, the following document provides further information: Global Advocacy Guide

Post to your Social Media

Post to Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms.  Sample messages you can use are available here: Advocacy Messaging


We regularly organize collective calls to action such as Twitter storms and telethons.  Sign up for our newsletter below to hear about the next one.

Join a Rally

The following website compiles information on rallies being held around the world: Global Rallies

We also post information on upcoming events on our Facebook page: Razom for Ukraine 

Contact Us

If you’re a community leader or have advocacy expertise, reach out to the team at   

what we are doing

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Co-presented by Razom for Ukraine and the Ukrainian Institute, Kyiv, this vibrant event runs through October 31st across New York, offering a rich blend of Ukrainian poetry, prose, and contemporary cinema.

Meet acclaimed writers like Halyna Kruk, Marianna Kiyanovska, Ostap Slyvynsky, and many others, and experience award-winning films such as “Porcelain War” and “La Palisiada”.

Check out the full schedule and ticket info below!